17 December 2024

NextJs Tips & Tricks



Next.js Tips and Tricks

  • Pre-render Pages with Static Generation (SSG): Use getStaticProps to generate pages at build time for fast loading and better SEO.

  • Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR): Regenerate static pages at runtime with a defined revalidation period using revalidate in getStaticProps.

  • Dynamic Routing with Catch-all Routes: Use catch-all routes ([...slug].js) to handle variable URL paths.

  • Prefetch Links for Faster Navigation: Next.js automatically prefetches links. You can manually prefetch routes to optimize navigation.

  • API Routes for Backend Logic: Use API routes (pages/api/) to handle server-side logic within your Next.js app.

  • Custom _document.js for Custom HTML Structure: Customize the <html>, <head>, and <body> tags to adjust the global HTML structure.

  • Custom _app.js for Global State: Use _app.js to initialize global states, layouts, or styles across your pages.

  • Use next/image for Optimized Images: The next/image component automatically optimizes images with lazy loading, resizing, and modern formats.

  • Environment Variables in Next.js: Store and access environment-specific settings or API keys using .env.local files.

  • Next.js Middleware for Advanced Routing: Use middleware to run code before requests are completed, ideal for authentication or logging.

  • Custom Error Pages: Create custom error pages (like 404.js or 500.js) for a better user experience on errors.

  • Prefetch Data on the Server with getServerSideProps: Use getServerSideProps for server-side rendering (SSR) when you need fresh data on each request.

  • Handling Multiple Layouts: Implement multiple layouts by creating layout components and wrapping specific pages with them.

  • Static File Serving with public Directory: Serve static assets like images, fonts, and JavaScript files directly from the public directory.

  • TypeScript Support: Next.js supports TypeScript out of the box. Just create a tsconfig.json file and it will be automatically configured.

By using these tips, you can optimize your Next.js apps for performance, scalability, and a better user experience.

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